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If you want to learn a little more about money and how much things cost, there are a few things you can do!

To help you save

  1. Every time you get any money, save some of it.
  2. If you get an allowance:
    1. Ask your parents if they will match whatever is left from your allowance each week and deposit that into a special savings account at your credit union.
    2. Ask your parents to pay you with $1 bills; this will make it easy for you to put some money aside for saving and a little aside for spending.

To help you learn how much things cost

  1. Guess how much money it costs to keep your family pet—and write that number down. Now add up how much it really costs! If you need to, ask your parents how much they spend on pet food, pet dishes, visits to the veterinarian, and other items for your pet. Was your guess close?
  2. Next time you’re at the store, check out the things you would like to buy and look at how much each costs. Look at the sale price and the regular price – is there a big difference? It’s good to know that you don’t always have to pay full price, and by watching for when things go on sale, you your savings can go a lot further!
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